
Fully Fitted Kitchens in Newton Abbot

When you want a company in Newton Abbot that can install fully fitted kitchens, look no further than Affordable Kitchens Ltd. Below are some frequently asked questions to answer any queries that you may have. Please feel free to contact us for more information.


1. Do you fit other people’s kitchens? Yes, we provide a fitting service carried out by our highly skilled fitter.

2. Can you supply sinks and appliances? Yes, we have a wide variety of sinks and appliances at very good prices.

3. Which areas do you cover? Approximately a 30 mile radius of Torquay

4. Do you do tiling? Yes and all other trades required to fit a kitchen, making us a one stop shop.

5. Do you supply kitchens? Yes, we have a good range of fitted kitchens to fit everybody’s budget.

6. What is the difference in price between a fully fitted kitchen and replacement doors and worktops?
Replacement doors tend to be between 50% and 70% of the cost of a fully fitted kitchen depending upon which range you choose.

7. How do you compare price wise with other companies? Due to the fact we have few overheads we compare very favourably.